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Training | Fuel Online Social Media Management | Boston | NYC


Proud to be the #1 Rated SEO Company Digital Marketing Agency Boston – NYC


Social Media Training and Consulting

#1 Rated SEO Company Digital Marketing Agency


The Fuel Online employees are social media experts. If you would like to keep general social media management in-house, we offer full training and consulting services.


Cross-Posting. Through the use of social media aggregation platforms, we show your employees how to effectively cross-post to multiple social media platforms efficiently. Not all APIs are equal, and some will not allow automatic connections. But we have ways of making this easy and fast.


SEO Posts. We teach your employees who are in charge of writing posts the best way to do so with SEO in mind. While these posts are designed to be shared on social media, imbuing full SEO into each post is essential for better representation across search engines.


Hashtags. While hashtags are most commonly used on Twitter, they are also used on other platforms, mostly out of habit. And they still work! But it’s the choice of the hashtags which can drive traffics. We show you our secrets in hashtag selection.


Understanding Analytics. Many companies employ social media analytics, yet don’t have employees who understand how to read or use them. Let’s face it, can they be confusing and oftentimes irksome. We engage your employees with statistical social media data, showing them what each KPI and measurement truly means, so they have a better grasp at the numbers and reports in general.


Engagement. Social media accounts will be dead in the water without regular engagement. We show your employees how to engage with others (businesses and personal accounts) on social media to generate more activity.


Individual Platform Tools. We make sure each employee knows and understands the free tools provided by the different social media platforms. From shop creations to post engagement tools, there is a wide variety of apps individual to each platform that can and should be taken advantage of.


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